We will build teams across the university and develop transdisciplinary partnerships with government and tribal agencies, non-governmental organizations, industry, and local communities to promote deep understanding of invasive species’ impacts on society. In doing so, we will foster a holistic environment where science, policy, and the humanities meet to tackle this global challenge.
We are recruiting members for the following:
Student Grants
ISC is committed to supporting graduate student research, outreach, and professional development. We are looking for ISC-related faculty, staff, and students to serve on this committee to help develop and share various grant opportunities. If you are interested in serving on this Committee, please contact Scott Salom (salom@vt.edu)
Invasive Species Seminars
ISC is interested in hosting several high-profile seminars each year and partnering with existing seminar series across the University to elevate researchers who are working on questions relevant to invasive species science, policy, management, and human elements.This subcommittee will create and implement a vision for ISC seminars on campus. If you are interested in serving on this Committee, please contact David Haak (dhaak@vt.edu)